Superstar Shah Rukh Khan will put up a special performance with some of his co-stars at the an awards event to be held on Feb 8, and he is very excited about it. SRK was on mini world tour when he conceptualised the idea.
"This is a very special performance. I was doing a mini world tour and that time I got this idea of putting up an act with my co-actors. We haven't started anything yet and it is still just a thought. But I hope the item that we put up will be very interesting. I think everyone will like it," the 48-year-old said.
Shah Rukh, who has hosted the award function earlier too, would want to chip in here and there in the hosting department this time as well. "As a matter of fact, I would even love to host sections but this time I would like to keep something special for the performance, work harder on it because hosting is a big job," Shah Rukh said.
Many allege that actors who perform at awards shows are majorly the ones who also walk away with awards. To this SRK said: "Those who perform are mostly those who have had a good year. Those who haven't had a good year are not normally invited to perform." "So, if they have had a good year, they will obviously get the awards. So, there is a logic, but some people look at it cynically," he added.
"This is a very special performance. I was doing a mini world tour and that time I got this idea of putting up an act with my co-actors. We haven't started anything yet and it is still just a thought. But I hope the item that we put up will be very interesting. I think everyone will like it," the 48-year-old said.
Shah Rukh, who has hosted the award function earlier too, would want to chip in here and there in the hosting department this time as well. "As a matter of fact, I would even love to host sections but this time I would like to keep something special for the performance, work harder on it because hosting is a big job," Shah Rukh said.
Many allege that actors who perform at awards shows are majorly the ones who also walk away with awards. To this SRK said: "Those who perform are mostly those who have had a good year. Those who haven't had a good year are not normally invited to perform." "So, if they have had a good year, they will obviously get the awards. So, there is a logic, but some people look at it cynically," he added.