Reports indicate that after Priyanka Chopra, the second Bollywood girl to be offered an opportunity to cut her own single is Alia Bhatt.
ALSO READ: Alia Bhatt sings to Rahman's tunes for Highway
The newbie, who has sung on a couple of TV shows during the promotion of her films Highway and 2 States, has caught the ear of a recording label. The top boss of the company is known to have made an offer to her agent and also to the actress herself — almost coercing her to accept it. "Alia refuses to bite the bait," says our source, adding, "She will cut a single, but not anytime soon."
Listen to Alia Bhatt's songs on
ALSO READ: Alia Bhatt sings to Rahman's tunes for Highway
The newbie, who has sung on a couple of TV shows during the promotion of her films Highway and 2 States, has caught the ear of a recording label. The top boss of the company is known to have made an offer to her agent and also to the actress herself — almost coercing her to accept it. "Alia refuses to bite the bait," says our source, adding, "She will cut a single, but not anytime soon."
Listen to Alia Bhatt's songs on